Of course, you can always seek legal advice from a licensed attorney in your state. The information on this website (and all other websites owned by NSW Fair Trading) is of a general nature and cannot be considered legal advice in connection with the legislation applied by NSW Fair Trading. In general, only a licensed lawyer can provide legal advice, but a distinction is made between “legal advice” and “legal information”. Any non-lawyer can simply invoke laws, but it is illegal for a non-lawyer or unlicensed lawyer to provide legal advice or represent someone other than themselves in court. A licensed attorney is a person who receives legal training and passes the state license exam, also known as the state bar. Some examples of legal advice include creating legal documents or contracts regarding a person`s rights, representing a person in court or in a legal matter, negotiating a client`s rights, and advising a person on specific legal matters. Legal information tells you what the law is/says. Anyone with knowledge of the subject (and/or the ability to google effectively) can provide legal information. This could apply to anyone. The provision of legal information does not establish a relationship between the lawyer and the client.

Printed legal documents such as instructions and instructions are generally not considered legal advice. Therefore, instructions to comply with court requirements for filing forms and other court documents do not constitute legal advice. [1] For example, a non-lawyer may sell legal forms, give general instructions on how to complete the forms, and provide drafting services for entering information into the forms, unless legal advice is given. [3] [11] The basic instructions for completing a legal form, inserting information on the form and defining the legal terms used on a form constitute the provision of legal information. Instructing a person on how to formulate information in a legal document or form, or advising them on what to say in court, is providing legal advice. [12] [1] Similarly, the application of legislation and principles to a particular set of facts and advice on conduct is almost always considered legal advice. [1] With the advent of the Internet, many services have been put in place to allow individuals to conduct their own legal research or prepare their own legal documents. [9] In addition, some companies provide answers to legal questions directly through their web services. [2] Nowadays, you can find legal information virtually anywhere.

Legal notices can be found: These disclaimers exist for a good reason: Legal information is not a substitute for legal advice, and you should never confuse the two. Just 20 years ago, access to a lot of legal information was effectively limited to members of the legal profession. However, nothing prevents you from legally advising yourself – for example, relying on free legal information without paying for legal advice. Just be aware that the information you rely on may not be accurate, you may not be able to take into account all relevant considerations, and you have no confidence if you are doing it wrong. Given the amount of free legal information available online these days, it might be tempting to avoid the cost of talking to lawyers. But there is a big difference between legal information and legal advice, as I explain below. This legal term article is a heel. You can help Wikipedia by extending it. All websites published by law firms (including this one) contain similar disclaimers.

You will all have words in the direction: “The information on this website is not legal advice, and you should not rely on it without seeking professional advice.” Specific questions about legal information may include the following: So how do you decide if legal advice is worth the price? This tip sheet explains some of the main differences between legal information and legal advice. While legal advice is specific and direct and suggests a course of action, on the other hand, legal information is factual, generic, and does not address a specific cause of action. To avoid the confusion that often accompanies legal information, websites and individuals will often go to great lengths to clarify that the information contained on their website should not be construed as legal advice or enter into a relationship between lawyer and client. Depending on the situation, legal advice and legal information may be helpful. While some situations require the advice of a lawyer, such as prosecuting or defending criminal charges, other situations may simply warrant obtaining legal information. Read practice area definitions for legal information on a specific topic or seek a lawyer in your area for legal advice on a particular legal issue. The line between “legal advice” and “legal information” is often blurred. In general, a single lawyer can give actual legal advice, while any non-lawyer can recite legal information. In addition, it is generally illegal for a non-lawyer or unlicensed lawyer to offer legal advice or represent someone other than himself in court. Wondering if the answer to the question that bothers you would be legal information or legal advice? Keep me informed! Unlike legal information, such as information posted on a traffic sign, legal advice suggests a specific course of action that a client should take. For example, it`s the difference between telling someone what to do (legal advice) and how to do it (legal information).

Unlike legal information, legal information refers to written or oral advice on a legal matter that would affect the rights and obligations of the person receiving the notice. In addition, actual legal advice requires a careful analysis of the law as it applies to a person`s specific situation – as opposed to speculation based on generic facts. There are many sources of good legal information. Some provide general information; Some deal with specific problems. For a complete categorized list, see LawCentral Alberta – Getting Legal Aid.